What to Avoid after Knee Surgery

Your new joint will need extra care in the first few weeks after surgery. Certain movements will need to be avoided and setting realistic expectations will go a long way to ensuring proper healing and injury avoidance. Enlist friends and family to help where needed, and be patient in your recovery. It may take as long as a year for your muscles to rebuild and for scars to heal fully.

There are certain movements you should refrain from for some weeks after surgery to avoid injury. Your doctor or physical therapist will advise of what movements to avoid and may include:

  • Twisting at the knee
  • Swiveling on the ball of your foot
  • Crossing your legs for several weeks post-operatively
  • Sleeping with a pillow under your knee

Other things that may help include installing a raised toilet seat and using a higher chair so you don’t have to bend so much when sitting and standing. Using a long handled ‘reacher’ to grab things will make things easier.

Your surgeon will advise when it is optimal for you to return to normal activities such as driving and work, usually six to 12 weeks after surgery.