When to Go Home after Knee Surgery

Discharge from the hospital depends upon a number of factors, including the type and extent of surgery, your overall general health, how well your wound is healing, absence of any infection, and how quickly you can manage several tasks on your own:

  • Getting in and out of bed by yourself
  • Bending your knee approximately 90° or showing good progress in bending your knee
  • Fully extending (straightening) your knee
  • Walking with crutches or a walker on a level surface and climbing up and down two or three stairs
  • Commitment to doing the prescribed home exercises

The size and soreness of your scar will depend upon the size of surgical incision. Discuss creams, gels and supplements with your doctor as potential options to help speed up healing and decrease the visibility and density of your scar.

You may experience mild swelling in your leg after you are discharged. Elevating your leg, wearing compression hose, and applying an ice pack for 15 to 20 minutes at a time will may help reduce the swelling. You may be permitted to take the continuous passive motion exercise machine home with you for a few weeks, but the long-term health and wellness of your joint depends upon vigilance with doing the prescribed exercises.

You may need to use crutches or a walker upon returning home from the hospital. You will be shown how to use the crutches or walker before you leave the hospital and your doctor or physical therapist will help determine how long you will need these devices.