What to Avoid after Hip Surgery

Your new joint will need extra care in the first few weeks after surgery. Certain movements will need to be avoided and setting realistic expectations will go a long way to ensuring proper healing and avoiding injury. Enlist friends and family to help where needed, be patient in your recovery and remember that you will have a better range of movement than you did pre-operatively. It may take as long as a year for your muscles to rebuild and for scars to fully heal.

Before surgery, prepare your home for easy maneuvering with a walker, cane or crutches; move any small rugs and make clear, wide paths to the bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. Try to avoid stairs if possible—if not, be extra careful and use handrails or ask for help. If you fall during the first few weeks of recovery, you could damage your new hip and might require revision surgery. .


Certain movements
Your surgeon or physical therapist will likely recommend that you avoid certain movements in the first weeks of recovery, such as:

  • Crossing your legs
  • Bending your hips more than 90 degrees (squat / right angle)
  • Turning your feet excessively inward or outward


Recovery tips

  • If you have symptoms of blood clot or infection, notify your doctor immediately (warning signs above in ‘What are Complications of Hip Surgery?’ section)
  • Make sure to take antibiotics before any dental work or additional surgeries
  • While sleeping on your side, place a pillow between your legs
  • Install a raised toilet seat
  • Use a higher chair when seated, if possible
  • Get a long-handled ‘reacher’ to help grab things off the ground and out of reach