When to Go Home after Hip Surgery

The timeframe to go home following a hip replacement depends on your individual surgery type, overall health and healing progress toward short-term recovery goals.

Hip surgery types

  1. Total Hip Replacement – You may stay at the hospital for up to three days.
  2. Hip resurfacing – You may stay at the hospital from two to three days as patients tend to be younger and therefore quicker to mobilize.
  3. Revision Hip Replacement – You could be in the hospital for four to seven days

It is very common that you will go home three to four days after surgery, depending on your healing progress. Your doctor will likely prescribe painkillers and recommend assistive devices.


  • Breathing deeply and coughing frequently may help prevent lung congestion following surgery
  • During early recovery, using a positioning split (i.e. V-shaped pillow) may help protect your hip
  • You may need assistive walking devices, such as a walker or crutches, and your doctor or physical therapist will help train you and can estimate how long you may need these
  • With the help of a physical therapist, you should be doing strengthening exercises every day to help you recover and restore the function of your hip